Lead Products

Red Lead Oxide

99.97% – 99.985% PURE LEAD

Red Lead Oxide is a chemical compound of Litharge (PbO) and Red Lead (Pb304). Red Lead Oxide is used to coat the flat plate in batteries, together with green powder for lead acid batteries. At our state of the art facility, we offer good quality Red Lead Oxide for various applications in battery manufacturing

Lead Sub Oxide Specifications

  • Material: Lead
  • Type: Powder
  • Density: 1.4 - 1.6 g/cc
  • Color: Reddish Orange
Particular Symbol Specification
Color ---- Reddish Orange
Tri Lead Tetra Oxide Pb3O4 Min 90%
Apparent Density ---- 1.4 - 1.6 g/cc
Packing Condition ---- There should not be any wear & tear in packing bags & the material should be primarily packed in plastic bags.
Iron Fe < 20 PPM
Residue in 300 Mesh ---- < 1%
Moisture ---- < 0.5%